In the year 2000 at age sixty four, Kathryn and Bobby Hoyle were inspired of God to resign as pastor of a growing church and begin what is now known as LENDAHAND Mission Teams. LENDAHAND was created to come along side existing congregations and pastors for the purpose of assisting them in organizing missions trips to either BUILD, SERVE, or HEAL.
Under the leadership of the Hoyles, thirty sanctuaries, fifteen houses, and an orphanage were constructed. Three medical clinics were built; hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of medicines and medical supplies were provided. Medical teams treated thousands, and teaching teams helped train pastors, teachers, and students. An untold number of children and youth have heard the Gospel through the efforts of LENDAHAND. Most important, Jesus Christ was introduced to countless hungry hearts.
In 2017, Denise Abner assumed the presidency of LENDAHAND, and in 2023, she in turn passed the baton to Jim Emery. The future looks bright as the Holy Spirit continues to guide LENDAHAND!