November 2008: A Team of builders went to Esquintla, Guatemala to construct a sanctuary in memory of Robert Dagenhart of Virginia Beach, VA.
October 2008: A Team of medical personnel went to El Salvador to treat patients in several villages, one of which was flooded.
August 2008: A Team of teachers went to Honduras to work with the hearing impaired students and assist teachers in new methods.
July 2008: A Team of over 30 students from Trinity Worship Center in Burlington, NC went to Guatemala to minister in multiple locations and assist in repairing, painting, and cleaning of church facilities.
March 2008: A Team of expert teachers went to Guatemala for the third year to assist in teaching and training of more than 70 pastors and leaders.
February 2008 : A Survey Team went to Costa Rica to do preliminary planning for a building team to follow. Goal was the construction of 1500 seat sanctuary.