LendAHand will be taking a medical team to Nicaragua in August. In order to purchase medications needed for the clinics the team is selling t-shirts, hats and polos.
Quantities are limited. At this time we are selling what we have left in stock, as indicated. Shipping is free!
Women’s V-Neck – $20:
Coral: 2 Large, 2 XX-Large
Purple: 1 Small, 2 Large, 2 XX-Large
Grey: 1 Small, 2 Medium, 3 Large, 2 X-Large, 1 XX-Large

Men’s Crew Neck – $20:
Red: 1 Small, 2 Large, 2 X-Large
Blue: 1 Medium
Grey: 1 Small, 2 Medium, 1 XX-Large

Men’s Polo – $25
Grey: 1 Large, 2 X-Large
Hat – $20
1 each of light blue, khaki, red

To order, either send your check and order details to PO Box 1023, Newport News, VA, or pay by Paypal, with your details in the “special instructions” field.