July 2012 was a great time to be in Costa Rica. Only one small earthquake, very little rain, and wonderful temperatures were the order of the weather. The real impact, however, was the training for above twenty pastors. Jim Kerwin taught on Biblical Hermaneutics (How to study and interpret the Bible).
Dr. Jeri Posey taught on Biblical Doctrine. Glynn and Sonia Logsdon taught on Family Relationships, while Mark Fisher and Darrell Roland taught on Church Management. The pastors received the teachings with eager anticipation. They immediately requested our team to return again next spring for another series and further training. While there, LENDAHAND received a request for the LENDAHAND team to teach/train near 100 young Methodist pastors.
It is the opinion of LENDAHAND leadership that training is the best form of ministry that we can offer. As we train leaders, they train others, who train others. Therefore the Kingdom of God grows.