We are excited to report that after some delay in customs, the Dagenhart-Guerra Mobile Medical Clinic has finally seen it’s first day of ministry. This medical bus, which was built by friends of LENDAHAND and through God’s help, was shipped to Nicaragua but due to political unrest in the county had been impounded at the customs agency.

This month the bus was released and the Dagenhart-Guerra Mobile Medical Clinic treated 237 patients on the first day and 10 received Jesus Christ as their Savior! We look forward to bringing treatment to many more individuals in the coming weeks and years.

Thank you to all who have helped thus far through support and prayers. God’s promises and directions are faithful. Please continue to pray for our teams and we move forward in spreading God’s word.

Take a look at the bus in action and hear from Moises Arauz, National Director of Metanoia Nicaragua.